
Population Trend

     The population of the municipality of Tuburan has an annual growth rate of 3.53% based on the 1995 Population Census conducted by the National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO) and the 100% enumeration as conducted by the LGU in August 2000. As of year 2000 Population Census, the urban population constitutes 15.36% of the total municipal population. The rural population on the one hand occupies 84.64% as of the same year.

     In 1995, the planning area had a population of 47,818. In 2000, it increased to 56,877, showing an increase of 9,059 population or 18.94% in a span of 5 years. By 2007, the municipal population is projected to reach 58,059 and 62,948 in 2010. Definitely, the population increase, as projected from 2003-2012, will be needing exactly the same socio-economic services and facilities which the government should look forward to provide its people.

     Basing on the 2000 Population Census, the Poblacion as the Urban Area has the biggest population with 7,260 inhabitants. It is followed by barangay Putat, Montealegre, Colonia and Mangga. So far, municipal records would show that these barangays outside the urban areas are for Nodal Point development.

     Furthermore, there is an uneven distribution of population in town. This is so because people settle where they have something for livelihood, shelter, enjoyment and water.

Urban Population Density

     The urban area comprises with the eight (8) Poblacion district as barangays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, are more or less 243.9087 hectares with a total population of 8,083 or 15.09% of the total municipal population in 2000. For the year 2000, the urban population density is 30 persons per hectare.

Rural Population Density

     The existing rural land area (outside Barangay Poblacion) is 27,089.87 hectares or 99.47% of the total municipal land area with a population of 51,845 in the year 2000. So far, during that year the existing rural population density was 1.6 persons per hectare and is projected to reach 2 persons per hectare at the end of the planning period.

NO. BARANGAY 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
1 POBLACION 1 1969 2006 438 446 280 199 81 0 2 278
2 POBLACION 2 1656 1687 368 375 404 323 292 292 112 46 36 10 66 66 302 247
3 POBLACION 3 431 439 96 98 58 58 55 58 3 0 0 0 0 0 58 58
4 POBLACION 4 379 405 84 90 49 56 49 56 0 0 0 0 0 49 56
5 POBLACION 5 781 796 174 177 91 87 4 0 0 0 18 0 73
6 POBLACION 6 1734 1767 385 393 366 372 233 233 133 139 22 22 28 28 316 322
7 POBLACION 7 1084 1105 241 246 152 209 36 180 100 29 0 0 0 5 0 204
8 POBLACION 8 1675 1707 372 379 423 343 171 203 252 140 13 13 12 12 398 318
9 ALEGRIA 894 911 199 202 205 195 185 185 20 10 0 0 11 11 194 184
10 AMATUGAN 1583 1205 352 268 251 289 42 42 209 247 60 60 175 213 16 16
11 ANTIPOLO 1152 1173 256 261 232 263 62 66 170 197 232 241 0 0 0 22
12 APALAN 1514 1408 336 313 301 337 178 208 123 129 0 284 0 0 0 53
13 BAGASAWE 1382 1542 307 343 242 402 139 218 103 184 0 0 0 132 0 270
14 BAKYAWAN 1036 1056 230 235 163 158 155 8 8 150 163 158 0 0 0 0
15 BANGKITO 324 330 72 73 58 66 0 0 58 66 58 66 0 0 0 0
16 BULWANG 958 976 213 217 208 3 25 0 208 0 0 0 0
17 CARIDAD 1764 1797 392 399 419 386 45 106 54 280 99 332 16 16 38 38
18 CARMELO 2355 2399 523 533 497 471 257 257 240 214 234 108 182 150 182 213
19 COGON 2601 2650 578 589 550 605 333 272 0 28 0 25 466 552
20 COLONIA 2446 2491 544 554 574 419 240 240 334 179 419 164 145 145 10 10
21 DAAN LUNGSOD 1983 2021 441 447 515 433 121 271 394 162 208 206 67 67 240 158
22 FORTALIZA 1047 1067 233 237 267 275 56 211 211 64 267 275 0 0 0 0
23 GA-ANG 542 552 120 123 112 121 0 112 121 112 121 0 0 0 0
24 GIMAMAA 1679 1710 373 380 363 321 96 96 267 225 194 152 25 158 11 11
25 JAGBUAYA 1471 1498 327 333 332 315 158 158 174 158 0 0 324 307 8 8
26 KABANGKALAN 932 949 207 210 116 175 2 2 114 173 114 173 2 2 0 0
27 KABKABAN 693 706 157 157 115 97 12 12 103 85 0 97 0 0 0 0
28 KAGBAO 651 715 156 159 170 153 12 12 158 141 170 153 0 0 0 0
29 KALANGAHAN 1388 1414 308 314 363 440 32 38 331 402 0 380 0 50 0 10
30 KAMANSI 579 608 129 135 90 122 5 5 85 117 90 122 0 0 0 0
31 KAMPOOT 738 752 166 167 105 219 3 216 0 219 0 0 0 0
32 KAN-AN 284 289 63 64 60 62 1 1 59 61 60 62 0 0 0 0
33 KANLUNSING 282 287 63 64 67 57 1 1 66 56 67 57 0 0 0 0
34 KANSI 1119 1140 279 253 228 210 15 15 213 195 164 146 64 64 0 0
35 KAORASAN 360 367 80 82 60 73 5 5 55 68 60 72 0 0 0 0
36 LIBO 300 305 67 68 72 87 1 2 71 85 72 87 0 0 0 0
37 LUSONG 1294 1318 288 293 348 139 2 0 137 348 139 0 0 0 0
38 MAKUPA 408 416 91 92 86 96 18 0 68 96 86 96 0 0 0 0
39 MAG-ALWA 883 900 196 200 159 174 1 1 158 173 159 174 0 0 0 0
40 MAG-ANTOY 731 744 162 165 173 191 1 1 172 190 137 191 0 0 0 0
41 MAG-ATUBANG 982 1000 218 222 266 200 4 4 262 196 266 200 0 0 0 0
42 MAGHAN-AY 712 726 158 161 137 142 11 11 126 131 137 142 0 0 0 0
43 MANGGA 2571 2619 571 582 594 595 355 356 239 239 180 180 308 220 106 195
44 MARMOL 1478 1506 328 335 329 304 23 23 306 281 35 35 110 85 184 184
45 MONTEALEGRE 2009 2046 446 455 357 478 24 24 333 454 353 474 4 4 0 0
46 MOLOBOLO 644 656 143 146 147 150 92 92 55 58 14 14 48 27 85 109
47 PUTAT 4194 4273 932 950 1088 811 50 509 579 302 245 198 380 150 463 463
48 SAN JUAN 786 801 175 178 200 183 76 88 124 96 192 149 3 3 5 31
49 SANDAYONG 1033 1052 230 234 230 235 74 94 141 141 0 100 0 92 0 43
50 SIOTES 508 517 113 115 118 143 14 3 104 140 118 143 0 0 0 0
51 STO. NIÑO 379 386 84 86 96 97 56 56 29 41 7 7 3 4 86 86
52 SUMON 882 899 196 200 148 221 9 9 139 202 106 179 42 42 0 0
53 TOMINJAO 975 993 217 221 200 223 53 76 147 147 67 67 111 134 22 22
54 TOMUGPA 477 486 106 108 94 97 5 5 89 92 106 97 42 0 0 0
TOTAL 62,712 63,568 13,983 14,127 12,749 13,170 3,522 5,160 7,403 8,016 5,506 6,601 2,168 2,232 3,239 4,234

Source: Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator


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