Infrastructure Facilities and Utilities

     Municipality of Tuburan operates its own Waterworks System, which draws its source from Sitio Kabaasan, Barangay Marmol and distributes it to barangay Poblacion by gravity. The local government in 1924 established it. Then NAWASA took over the operation with a promise to improve the water service. When the local officials noticed that NAWASA took over the opration with a promise to improve the water service, when the local officials noticed that NAWASA failed to comply with its promise, the local government took over the management and supervision of the Waterworks System. Comparatively, Tuburan Waterworks System offers the cheapest rate of water fee per cubic meter.

     Another waterworks in Tuburan, which draws its water from a spring in barangay Alegria, is established in the same barangay. The facility serves barangays Cogon and Alegria and the eight districts in barangay Poblacion.As of April 2002, there were 1,407 consumer households of the Municipal Waterworks System. 78.25% (1,101 households) of which are in barangay Poblacion while 224 in barangay Cogon and 82 households in barangay Alegria, indicating that only 67.50% of the 1,631 households in barangay Poblacion are served by the facility. The rest of the households in that barangay avail of the other water services.

     In the rural areas, households are served by the Level II water connections, which sourced its water from barangays Marmol, Kalangahan and Magdagook.

     As of 2001, the LGU of Tuburan proposed the expansion of the waterworks of barangay Alegria. Likewise, an expansion of the water distribution to cover part of barangay Daan Lungsod and proposed to start in 2002. The proposed project has a budget of Php 500,000.00.


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